Phone Number: (514) 987-3000 # 7890
Local: PK-4285
Sylvain Labranche
Master's Student in Computer Science
My master's thesis is on partial satisfaction planing and is oriented around two axes.
- Theoritical research on problem formulation and resolution.
- Application of results in a house broking serious game.
- Sylvain Labranche, Nicolas Sola, Sophie Callies and Éric Beaudry: Using Partial Satisfaction Planning to Automatically Select NPCs' Goals and Generate Plans in a Simulation Game.
Accepted for publication at the IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games. (2014)
- Sylvain Labranche and Éric Beaudry: Partial Satisfaction Planning Under Time Uncertainty with Control on When Objectives Can Be Aborted.
Proceedings of the 27th Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Springer (2014)
- Sylvain Labranche and Éric Beaudry: Partial Satisfaction Planning Under Time Uncertainty with Control on When Objectives Can Be Aborted.
(Student Abstract version) Proceedings of the 28th Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (2014)
- Master's degree in Computer Science (In progress)
Director: Éric Beaudry
- Certificate in German language (In progress)
- Baccalaureate in mathematics with a minor in Computer Science (Université du Québec à Montréal - 2012)
- Certificate in sciences - cooperative program (Université de Sherbrooke - 2011)